Tuesday, 3 March 2015

MS CRM 2013 Interview Questions Part2

      MS CRM 2013 Question for Interview (31-60)

      The question for MS CRM Interview are:

31. Difference b/w out of box wizard reports and custom reports using BIDS.
32. What is plugin profiler.
33. How to debug plugin in MS CRM Online.
34. Types of Relationships.
35. Behaviors in Relationships.
36. What is Quick View and Quick Create forms?
37. What is the difference picklist and Lookup.
38. What is difference b/w system and personal dashboards.
39. How to debug a custom workflow.
40. How to configure sitemap based on security role.
41. What is the difference b/w early bound and late bound.
42. Difference b/w database structure in MS CRM 2011 and MS CRM 2013.
43. Difference in performance b/w Fetch XML and QueryExpression.
44. Can Fetch XML be used in application apart from MS CRM.
45. What is the Link entity and give 2 examples where we can use it.
46. What is the minimum version of SQL Server that is required for installing MS CRM.
47. What is CRM monitoring service.
48. What is IFD and why it is used.
49. How to configure IFD.
50. How to create an entity
51. Can we create a custom activity?
52. How can we create a custom activity?
53. Can we change the datatype of the fields?
54. How many types of services are there available in MS CRM and name them?
55. What is SOAP?
56. What is REST?
57. Difference b/w REST and SOAP? In which scenario which service should be used?
58. Difference b/w fetch xml and SQL Reports?
59. Describe the isolation mode available?
60. What locations are available for registering an assembly? Which one is used in which scenario?

Will be adding new question in the upcoming post, see you soon.....

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

MS CRM 2013 Interview Questions Part1

MS CRM 2013 Question for Interview (1-30)

The question for MS CRM Interview are:

1. What are new features in MS CRM 2013?
2. What are access teams?
3. How do business unit and security roles define the security structure of MS CRM?
4. What is the difference b/w Workflow and Plugin w.r.t MS CRM 2013?
5. What is the difference b/w async workflow and async plugin and which one is beneficial in  which scenario?
6. Define stages of Plugins
7. Give example where each stage will be used.
8. What is the use of Announcements and how are they used in MS CRM 2013.
9. What is the difference b/w secure and unsecured configuration?
10. Difference b/w CRM Onpremise and CRM Online.?
11. Can we set the enable\disable rule on the deactivate button. How. Is it possible using Ribbon Workbench.
12. Do plugins have output parameters?
13. How can we increase the width of the field in a section.
14. What is Auditing.
15. How to implement auditing in MS CRM.
16. How the deletion of records work in MS CRM.
17. How to share data b/w plugins.
18. Difference b/w Business Rules and Business Process.
19. What is field security.
20. What will happen if field security is applied to a field and no one is added to the field sec profile.
21. What are connections? Give 2 example where you have used connections.
22. What are preImage and postImage in Plugins.
23. Do we have post and pre-images in code activity.
24. What is SLA and timer.
25. What are actions and how they are used in MS CRM 2013.
26. What is the toughest plugin you have ever written?
27. What is CRM and why it is used.
28. What are CRM modules.
29. What is Iplugin and why it is used.
30. Difference b/w Managed and UnManaged Solution and which one is better.

Will be adding new question in the upcoming post, see you soon.....